
Most useful code snippets for WordPress function file.

Diving straight into the heart of website customization, the functions.php file holds the key to many tweaks and enhancements. But with endless possibilities, where does one start? In this blog post, we’re spotlighting 30 invaluable code snippets tailored for this very file. These aren’t just any snippets; they’re handpicked for their utility and impact, designed to provide quick solutions and elevate your site’s functionality. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just getting your feet wet, these code gems are here to make your life a tad bit easier. So, before we journey further, ensure you’ve backed up your site, and let’s get coding!

1. Allow SVG uploads in WordPress

WordPress, by default, doesn’t allow SVG file uploads for security reasons, as SVG files can contain malicious code. However, if you need to upload SVG files, there are ways to enable this functionality. Always make sure the SVG files you’re uploading are from trusted sources.

function add_svg_mime_type( $mimes ) {
    $mimes['svg'] = 'image/svg+xml';
    return $mimes;

add_filter('upload_mimes', 'add_svg_mime_type');

2. Hide WordPress Version

Hiding the WordPress version can be a part of hardening your WordPress installation, making it a little bit harder for attackers to exploit known vulnerabilities associated with specific WordPress versions.

function remove_wp_version() {
    return '';

add_filter('the_generator', 'remove_wp_version');

Remember, security through obscurity (like hiding the version number) isn’t a foolproof method, but it’s an additional layer that can be combined with other security measures for a more comprehensive approach.

3. Limit posts revisions

Post revisions are a useful feature in WordPress, allowing you to go back to previous versions of your posts. However, if you have numerous revisions, it can take up a considerable amount of database space. Limiting the number of post revisions can help manage database bloat.

The most common way to set a limit to post revisions is by editing the wp-config.php file. You can find this file in the root directory of your WordPress installation.

define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', 5);

In the example above, the number 5 indicates the maximum number of revisions WordPress should keep for each post. You can change this number to any other value based on your preference.

If you want to completely disable post revisions, you can set the value to false:

define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', false);

4. Add custom WordPress Dashboard logo

Adding a custom logo to your WordPress dashboard can provide a more branded experience for you and other users of the website. Here’s how you can add a custom logo to the WordPress dashboard:

function custom_admin_logo() {
    echo '<style type="text/css">
        #wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-wp-logo > .ab-item .ab-icon:before {
            background-image: url(' . get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/images/your-logo.png) !important;
            background-size: cover;
            color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
        #wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-wp-logo:hover > .ab-item .ab-icon {
            background-position: 0 0;

add_action('admin_head', 'custom_admin_logo');

5. Change the default “Read More” text

Every WordPress website uses the “Read More” link to tease content and invite visitors to dive deeper into articles. While it’s an established convention, there might be times you wish to customize it to better fit your site’s voice or theme. Whether you want to make it more enticing, descriptive, or align it with your brand’s language, changing this default text can make a difference. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the simple steps to customize the “Read More” text in your WordPress website.

function custom_read_more_link() {
    return ' <a href="' . get_permalink() . '">Custom Read More...</a>';
add_filter('the_content_more_link', 'custom_read_more_link');

6. Remove the admin bar for all users.

The WordPress admin bar offers quick access to administrative functions right from the frontend of your website. While it’s handy for website administrators, there might be instances when you want a cleaner view for all users, including admins. Disabling this bar can enhance user experience and streamline your website’s appearance.

add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false');

7. Add a custom image size.

Every website has its unique visual language and layout needs. While WordPress comes with predefined image sizes, there are occasions when they just don’t fit the bill.

add_image_size('custom-size', 600, 400, true);

8.Change the default gravatar.

Gravatars, or “Globally Recognized Avatars,” are the small images that represent users across the WordPress ecosystem. By default, WordPress assigns a standard image for users without a custom Gravatar. But what if you want to add a personal touch or ensure brand consistency?

add_filter('avatar_defaults', 'new_default_avatar');

function new_default_avatar($avatar_defaults) {
    $avatar_defaults[''] = 'Custom Avatar Name';
    return $avatar_defaults;

9. Change the length of excerpts.

Excerpts in WordPress are concise previews of your content, offering readers a quick glimpse into the full post. While the default length might be suitable for some, your site’s design or content strategy might demand a different size. Tailoring the length of these previews can significantly impact user engagement and page aesthetics.

function custom_excerpt_length($length) {
    return 20; // Number of words

add_filter('excerpt_length', 'custom_excerpt_length', 999);

10. Redirect users after login based on role.

In a diverse WordPress environment, different user roles mean different responsibilities and areas of interest. Wouldn’t it be efficient if, upon login, users are directed to pages that are most relevant to their roles? Customizing the post-login redirect based on roles can enhance user experience and streamline site management.

function redirect_user_on_role() {
    global $current_user;
    if (in_array('subscriber', $current_user->roles)) {

add_action('admin_init', 'redirect_user_on_role');

11. Disallow file editing from the dashboard.

The ability to edit theme and plugin files directly from the WordPress dashboard can be a double-edged sword. While it offers convenience, it also poses security risks and can lead to inadvertent mistakes that disrupt site functionality. To enhance your site’s security and reduce potential errors, you might consider disabling file editing from the dashboard.

define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);

12. Set a custom admin footer text.

The admin dashboard is the nerve center of your WordPress website. While its primary role is functional, adding a touch of personalization can enhance the experience for site managers and contributors. One subtle yet effective tweak is customizing the admin footer text. Whether you want to add copyright information, a personal note, or branding elements, changing this text can make a difference.

function custom_admin_footer() {
    echo 'Your custom text here.';

add_filter('admin_footer_text', 'custom_admin_footer');

13. Add custom CSS to the WordPress admin area.

While the frontend of your WordPress website is the main showcase for visitors, the admin area is where all the backend action happens. Tweaking its appearance to align with your branding or to improve readability can be a worthwhile enhancement for those who manage the site regularly. Injecting custom CSS into the admin area offers you this flexibility.

function custom_admin_css() {
    echo '<style>
       /* Your CSS code here */

add_action('admin_head', 'custom_admin_css');

14. Change the default sender name and email for WordPress emails.

By default, WordPress sends emails using a generic sender name like “WordPress” with an email address like ““. While this works, it may not resonate with your brand’s identity or may look impersonal to recipients. Personalizing the sender’s details can foster better trust and open rates.

function custom_wordpress_from_name($email) {
    return 'Your Name';

function custom_wordpress_from_email($email) {
    return '';
add_filter('wp_mail_from_name', 'custom_wordpress_from_name');

add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'custom_wordpress_from_email');

15. Add a shortcode to display the current year.

Implement a simple shortcode that will always display the current year, ensuring your content remains up-to-date.

function current_year_shortcode() {
    return date('Y');

add_shortcode('year', 'current_year_shortcode');

16. Remove unwanted items from the admin bar.

By removing unwanted items from the admin bar, you can create a cleaner, more focused working environment.

function remove_from_admin_bar($wp_admin_bar) {

add_action('admin_bar_menu', 'remove_from_admin_bar', 999);

17. Change the default “Howdy” message in the admin bar.

The familiar “Howdy” greeting in the WordPress admin bar has been a longstanding tradition. Yet, sometimes, a more personalized or brand-centric message might better resonate with your website’s ethos or your users.

function replace_howdy_message($wp_admin_bar) {
    $my_account = $wp_admin_bar->get_node('my-account');
    $new_title = str_replace('Howdy,', 'Welcome,', $my_account->title);
        'id' => 'my-account',
        'title' => $new_title,

add_filter('admin_bar_menu', 'replace_howdy_message', 25);

18. Disable Code Editing in Block Editor.

For enhanced security and consistency, you might consider disabling code editing within the Block Editor.

add_filter( 'block_editor_settings_all', function ( $settings ) {
    $settings['codeEditingEnabled'] = current_user_can( 'manage_options' );
    return $settings;
} );

5 Tips to Find the Best WordPress Development Agency


Finding the best WordPress development agency for your project can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it’s important to have a clear plan in place to ensure you make the right choice. In this blog post, we will provide you with 5 essential tips to help you find the best WordPress development agency that meets your specific needs.

The first tip is to define your project requirements. By clearly outlining your goals and expectations, you can ensure that the agency you choose has the necessary expertise to deliver on your vision. Additionally, conducting thorough research and comparing different agencies will allow you to make an informed decision based on their experience, reputation, and client reviews.

By following these tips, you can streamline the process of finding the best WordPress development agency and set yourself up for success in your website or business venture. Let’s dive into each tip in more detail to help you make an informed decision.

Tip 1: Define Your Project Requirements

When searching for the best WordPress development agency, it’s crucial to start by clearly defining your project goals and requirements. This will help you find an agency that has the necessary expertise to meet your specific needs. Here are some steps to follow:

Clearly define your project goals and requirements

To begin, identify the specific features and functionalities you need for your WordPress website. Consider what you want your website to achieve and how it will serve your target audience. Are you looking for a simple blog or a complex e-commerce platform? Understanding your project goals will help you communicate effectively with potential agencies.

Additionally, consider the complexity of your project and whether it requires any specialized skills. For example, if you need custom plugin development or integration with third-party systems, make sure the agency has experience in these areas.

Lastly, outline your timeline and budget constraints. Determine when you need the project to be completed and how much you’re willing to invest. This will help filter out agencies that may not be able to meet your deadlines or work within your budget.

Ensure the agency has the necessary expertise

Once you have defined your project requirements, it’s important to ensure that the agency you choose has the necessary expertise. Look for agencies that have experience in developing WordPress websites similar to yours. Check their portfolio or case studies to see if they have worked on projects in your industry or niche.

In addition, verify if they have a team of skilled developers who are proficient in WordPress development. A strong team with diverse skills can ensure that all aspects of your project are handled efficiently.

Consider their knowledge of WordPress plugins and themes as well. Ask about their experience with popular plugins and themes that align with your project requirements. A good agency should be able to recommend suitable plugins and themes based on their understanding of best practices and industry standards.

By clearly defining your project goals and ensuring that the agency has the necessary expertise, you can set the foundation for a successful partnership. Let’s move on to the next tip, where we will discuss how to conduct thorough research and compare different agencies.

Tip 2: Conduct Thorough Research

To find the best WordPress development agency, it’s important to conduct thorough research and compare different agencies. This will help you make an informed decision based on their reputation, experience, and communication skills. Here are some steps to follow:

Research and compare different agencies

Start by searching for WordPress development agencies online and create a shortlist of potential candidates. Look for agencies that have a strong online presence and positive reviews from their previous clients. Reading reviews and testimonials will give you an idea of their reputation and the quality of their work.

Consider their years of experience in the industry and the number of successful projects they have completed. An agency with a proven track record is more likely to deliver high-quality results. Look for case studies or portfolios on their website to see examples of their work.

Evaluate their communication and responsiveness

Contact each agency on your shortlist and assess their communication skills and responsiveness. Effective communication is crucial for a successful collaboration. Ask them about their project management process and how they keep clients updated on progress. A good agency should provide regular updates, be transparent about timelines, and address any concerns promptly.

Consider their ability to understand and interpret your requirements. A great agency will take the time to listen to your needs, ask relevant questions, and provide suggestions based on their expertise. They should be able to translate your vision into a well-executed WordPress website.

By conducting thorough research and evaluating the communication skills of different agencies, you can narrow down your options to find the best fit for your project. In the next section, we will discuss how to check portfolios and client reviews as part of your evaluation process.

Tip 3: Check Portfolios and Client Reviews

When searching for the best WordPress development agency, it’s essential to review their portfolio of past projects and read client reviews and testimonials. This will give you a better understanding of their capabilities, design aesthetics, and client satisfaction. Here are the steps to follow:

Review their portfolio of past projects

Look for agencies that have worked on projects similar to yours. By reviewing their portfolio, you can evaluate the design and functionality of their previous websites. Pay attention to the user experience, visual appeal, and overall quality of their work. If possible, visit the websites they have developed to see how they perform in real-world scenarios.

Additionally, check if they have experience in your industry or niche. An agency that has worked with clients in your field may have a better understanding of your specific requirements and challenges.

Read client reviews and testimonials

Search for reviews and testimonials from the agency’s previous clients. Consider the overall satisfaction level expressed by these clients and any recurring issues mentioned. Look for feedback related to project management, communication, adherence to deadlines, and post-project support.

If you want more detailed feedback, don’t hesitate to contact some of their previous clients directly. Ask about their experience working with the agency, any challenges encountered during the project, and whether they would recommend them.

By checking portfolios and reading client reviews and testimonials, you can gain valuable insights into an agency’s expertise, creativity, reliability, and professionalism. In the next section, we will discuss how to consider expertise and services when selecting a WordPress development agency.

Tip 4: Consider Expertise and Services

When selecting a WordPress development agency, it’s important to consider their expertise in WordPress development and the range of services they offer. This will ensure that they have the necessary skills and capabilities to meet your specific requirements. Here are the steps to follow:

Assess their expertise in WordPress development

Check if the agency is up-to-date with the latest WordPress trends and technologies. WordPress is constantly evolving, and it’s crucial that the agency stays current with new features, updates, and best practices. They should be knowledgeable about responsive design, mobile optimization, and accessibility standards.

Consider their knowledge of SEO best practices and website optimization. A well-optimized website can improve your search engine rankings and drive organic traffic. The agency should have experience implementing SEO strategies such as keyword research, on-page optimization, and site speed optimization.

Evaluate their ability to customize WordPress themes and plugins. Customization allows you to create a unique website tailored to your brand identity. The agency should have expertise in modifying existing themes or developing custom themes from scratch. They should also be proficient in extending functionality through plugin development.

Consider the range of services they offer

Determine if the agency provides additional services like website maintenance, security, and support. A reliable agency will offer ongoing maintenance packages to keep your website secure, up-to-date, and running smoothly. They should also provide regular backups, security monitoring, and troubleshooting assistance.

Check if they offer ongoing support and updates after the completion of the project. Websites require regular updates for bug fixes, feature enhancements, or content changes. The agency should be available for future updates or modifications as your business grows.

Consider their ability to handle future scalability and growth of your website. Your business may expand over time, requiring additional features or functionalities on your website. Ensure that the agency has experience handling scalable projects and can accommodate future growth seamlessly.

By assessing their expertise in WordPress development and considering the range of services they offer, you can select an agency that aligns with your long-term goals. In the next section, we will discuss how to evaluate communication and support when choosing a WordPress development agency.

Tip 5: Evaluate Communication and Support

When choosing a WordPress development agency, it’s crucial to evaluate their communication and support capabilities. Effective communication and reliable support are key factors in ensuring a smooth working relationship. Here are the steps to follow:

Assess their communication and collaboration methods

Consider the agency’s preferred communication channels and whether they align with your preferences. Clear and timely communication is essential for project success. Discuss how they prefer to communicate, whether it’s through email, phone calls, or project management tools. Ensure that their communication style matches your expectations.

Evaluate their project management tools and processes for effective collaboration. A well-organized agency will have systems in place to manage projects efficiently. Inquire about their project management tools, such as task tracking software or collaborative platforms, to ensure effective coordination between you and the agency.

Ensure they provide regular updates and are responsive to your queries and concerns. Regular updates on project progress keep you informed about milestones achieved and any potential delays. The agency should be responsive to your questions or concerns throughout the development process.

Evaluate their customer support and post-project assistance

Inquire about the agency’s customer support channels and response time for any technical issues that may arise after the project is completed. Prompt resolution of technical issues is crucial for maintaining a functional website.

Check if they offer any warranty or guarantee for their work. A reputable agency will stand behind their services by offering some form of warranty or guarantee on their workmanship.

Consider their availability for future updates and enhancements. As your business evolves, you may require additional features or modifications on your website. Ensure that the agency is available for ongoing support, updates, and enhancements as needed.

By evaluating the communication methods and support provided by an agency, you can ensure a productive working relationship throughout the project lifecycle. In the next section, we will summarize the key points discussed in this blog post.


In conclusion, finding the best WordPress development agency for your business or website is a crucial decision that requires careful consideration. By following these 5 tips, you can streamline the process and make an informed choice.

First, define your project requirements to ensure the agency has the necessary expertise. Conduct thorough research and compare different agencies based on their experience, reputation, and client reviews. Check their portfolio and client testimonials to gauge the quality of their work.

Consider their expertise and services to ensure they align with your goals. Evaluate their communication and support capabilities to ensure a smooth working relationship throughout the project.

By taking these steps, you can find a WordPress development agency that meets your specific needs and delivers exceptional results. Good luck with your search!


Understanding WordPress Development Services – Detailed Guide

WordPress is the world’s most popular content management system (CMS), powering over 40% of all websites on the internet. Its versatility, user-friendliness, and extensive plugin ecosystem make it the go-to choice for businesses, bloggers, and developers alike. As demand for WordPress websites continues to grow, so does the need for professional WordPress development services. In this blog post, we will explore the various aspects of WordPress development services and discuss how they can help you build a powerful, feature-rich, and visually stunning website tailored to your unique needs.

Table of Contents:

  1. Understanding WordPress Development Services
  2. Benefits of Professional WordPress Development Services
  3. Types of WordPress Development Services
  4. How to Choose the Right WordPress Development Service Provider
  5. Tips for Successful Collaboration with a WordPress Development Service Provider
  6. Conclusion

Understanding WordPress Development Services

WordPress development services encompass a wide range of tasks, from designing and developing custom WordPress themes and plugins to optimizing website performance and ensuring site security. These services are provided by skilled professionals who possess in-depth knowledge of the WordPress platform, its best practices, and the latest web development trends. By leveraging their expertise, businesses can create a robust online presence that effectively serves their target audience and drives growth.

Benefits of Professional WordPress Development Services

There are numerous advantages to using professional WordPress development services, including:

Types of WordPress Development Services

WordPress development services can be broadly categorized into the following types:

How to Choose the Right WordPress Development Service Provider

Selecting the right WordPress development service provider is crucial for the success of your project. Consider the following factors when making your decision:

Tips for Successful Collaboration with a WordPress Development Service Provider

To ensure a successful partnership with your chosen WordPress development service provider, follow these tips:


WordPress development services offer a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to create a powerful and unique online presence. By partnering with a skilled and experienced WordPress development team, you can build a website that not only meets your specific needs but also offers an exceptional user experience. By understanding the various aspects of WordPress development services, choosing the right service provider, and following best practices for successful collaboration, you can unlock the full potential of the world’s leading CMS and drive your business forward.


WordPress Development Best Practices: Tips for Creating Efficient and Maintainable Themes and Plugins


WordPress is a powerful and flexible content management system (CMS) used by millions of websites worldwide. As a developer, it’s essential to follow best practices to create efficient, maintainable, and secure themes and plugins. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some key best practices for WordPress development that will help you build better products and streamline your development process.

1. Stick to the WordPress Coding Standards

Consistency is vital for maintainable code. WordPress has a set of coding standards for PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Adhering to these standards will help ensure that your code is easy to read, understand, and maintain by both you and other developers.

The WordPress Coding Standards include guidelines for indentation, whitespace, naming conventions, and more. Familiarize yourself with these standards and follow them throughout your development process.

2. Use a Version Control System

A version control system (VCS) like Git allows you to track changes to your code over time, making it easier to collaborate with other developers, revert to previous versions, and maintain a clean development history. Using a VCS is essential for any serious development work, including WordPress theme and plugin development.

3. Develop Locally

Developing your WordPress projects locally on your computer before deploying them to a live server has several advantages. Local development allows you to work offline, test changes without affecting the live site, and avoid conflicts with other plugins or themes. Tools like Local by Flywheel, XAMPP, or MAMP make it easy to set up a local development environment.

4. Use a Child Theme

When customizing an existing WordPress theme, always create a child theme instead of modifying the parent theme directly. A child theme inherits the functionality of the parent theme, allowing you to make customizations without losing the ability to update the parent theme. This practice ensures that your customizations won’t be lost when updating the parent theme and makes it easier to maintain your changes over time.

5. Leverage the WordPress API

WordPress provides a powerful set of APIs that allow you to interact with the system efficiently and securely. When developing themes and plugins, always use the WordPress API instead of writing custom code. This practice will ensure that your code is compatible with future WordPress updates and reduce the risk of security vulnerabilities.

Some essential WordPress APIs include:

6. Prioritize Security

Security should always be a top priority when developing WordPress themes and plugins. Follow these best practices to help ensure your code is secure:

7. Optimize Performance

Performance is crucial for a positive user experience and search engine ranking. Follow these tips to optimize the performance of your WordPress themes and plugins:


Following WordPress development best practices will help you create efficient, maintainable, and secure themes and plugins that stand the test of time. By adhering to coding standards, using version control, developing locally, leveraging child themes, utilizing the WordPress API, prioritizing security, and optimizing performance, you’ll be well on your way to building high-quality WordPress products.

Remember that WordPress is an ever-evolving platform, so it’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest best practices, updates, and community recommendations. By doing so, you’ll ensure that your themes and plugins continue to provide a great user experience and remain compatible with future WordPress releases. Happy coding!